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Purity Rings: A Breath of Fresh Air to Our Over-Sexed World
The history of purity rings does come from promise rings and has been adapted by American Christians in the nineteen nineties. The Bush Administration had a lot to do with the sudden explosion of the purity ring. The Bush administration plunged millions of dollars into the promotion of the purity ring as a way of reaching teenagers to help educate them about safe sex and STI/STD’s. The main reason for a purity ring is that the teenager makes a promise to their parents and church that they will remain a virgin until they are married.  They are often worn on the wedding ring finger on the left hand and remains there until it is replaced with a wedding ring.
The styles that are available on the market vary but the rings that have a connection to the church often have a cross on them somewhere that is incorporated into the design. This signifies their connection to the church. They are often inscribed with certain sayings like; One life One love, Love Waits, Purity, Chastity and Abstinence.  They can be made of any material and metal and can come in some very fancy designs; Protected heart, Everlasting heart, Butterfly purity ring, Devoted rose, Lover never fails, Convent heart, what would Jesus do ring, Love ring, Honor Respect and Serve ring, cross and crown of thorns ring and the Crucifix ring.
Purity symbols can also be bought in the form of necklaces and bracelets. The prices start from the low end and can go ridiculously high end depending on the metal used the design and whether or not any stones are used in the ring. The market for purity rings has hit an all time high with website sales up by over 100%. Always make sure that you know and trust the site or store that you buy from as not all can be what it seems though, you have to be aware that some things are sold as seen (what you see on the picture) and when it arrives does not meet your expectations. Some stores sell “gold” but are often gold plated seeing all well and good until the thin plating wears off and they start turning your neck or finger green. By then it’s too late and you can’t return the item as it has been deemed as “worn”. It is the same with diamonds, they often claim the ring is diamond and what it really is, is a simulated diamond so make sure you check before you buy.
Sometimes your local church has a booklet available for you to view and order from if you need to. If the church trusts and uses them then it is defiantly safe for you to use them. A purity ring is meant to be worn for as long as it is required which in most cases are for more than several years. Make sure that the ring is durable, hard wearing and can be changed in size if needed to suit the growing finger of a teenager right through to adulthood.