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The Tragic Death of Chris Benoit

While professional wrestling is often criticized for being a fake sport, the recent news of chris benoit death has shown that this sports entertainment industry has very real consequences. In a sport where individuals rise to fame based on outlandish gimmicks like being a porn star, being a gigantic Samoan, or being a flamboyant man dressed in a gold colored jumpsuit with matching face paint and a platinum blond wig, wrestler chris benoit was loved by wrestling fans for not having a gimmick. Although he wasn’t exactly the most charismatic performer, chris benoit wwe reign was praised for the fact that he put together the best wrestling matches. His tenacious spirit and rugged demeanor (best seen in the fact that he has a gap in his front teeth) made him a beloved figure among wrestling circles. However, on June 25, 2007, the perception of Chris Benoit would drastically change. Initially, people were shocked when they learned the news of chris benoit found dead in his Georgia home.
However, the death of chris benoit was tragic for more reasons than the Rabid Wolverine’s death. As the WWE was broadcasting their tribute show to one of their top stars, chris benoit news began to circulate and reports began to answer the question of how did chris benoit die. The answer to that question was indeed chilling and has led to WWE disassociating itself with their former icon and Benoit’s reputation hitting an all-time low. The details of the weekend of Chris Benoit’s death are still a bit murky. However, apparently in one week, Benoit murdered his wife, Nancy, and their 7 year old son, Daniel, before committing suicide. The chris benoit muder suicide case was considered baffling and was prompted by concern among wwe chris benoit friends within the wrestling federation. After text messaging some of his fellow wrestlers to explain that he wouldn’t be able to make a couple of scheduled events, these wrestlers informed the heads of the WWE who in turn asked Fayette County police to check into Benoit’s home to check if he was OK. Finding the bodies of Chris Benoit’s wife and son in different rooms with their bodies covered and a bible by their side, the chris benoit death was one of the most bizarre things these policemen has ever encountered.
As chris benoit news continued to filter out, his fans’ sadness turned into anger and disgust over the actions of their fallen hero. When news of the chris benoit murder of his family came out, many mainstream media outlets openly speculated about the potential role of steroids in this case. However, considering how methodical these actions were, it seems unlikely that this was a case of roid rage. Unfortunately, the news of the chris benoit death and the chris benoit murder of his wife and son has some roots. A few years ago, Nancy Benoit had filed a police report documenting domestic abuse. While the wrestler chris benoit may have been a hero in the ring, it seemed like the real Chris Benoit came up a bit short in terms of courage and the appropriate way to act as a man.