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Blogging Mommies + ADD YOUR SITE (376 members)Do you have a weblog or online journal? Do you write about being your experiences as a parent, daily events and of course your adorable kids?
Uli's Needlework World Daily thoughts on being a working Mom of a toddler who also has a passion (and never enough time) for knitting, quilting and cross stitching.
Eleanor's Looking Glass The Adventures of Eleanor in Wonderland - Journal and Pictures of Eleanor's Days.
Mimilou Random thoughts about parenting and, sometimes, stuff I read.
Philothea Rose at Home Thoughts of a 27 year old Catholic SAHM married to a gorgeous red-head, mother of 4. Loves Alias, Veronica Mars, Little Women, Jane Eyre, fried foods, ABBA, and the Sacramento Kings.
Eide Neurolearning Blog Homeschooling parents and physicians daily blog about brain-based learning, learning differences and disabilities, including gifted and visual learners, autism, dyslexia, attention deficit disorders, sensory, ...
Suburban Warrior humorous rants and stories of a homemaker
Goin Ons The goin ons of my everyday life.
artmania sadia's thoughts on art, philosophy, religion, and life in general
milk factory Milk Factory is a group weblog for hard-working moms who want to share their experiences of parenthood and other labours of love.
Blogging Mommies The Blogging Mommies community site. Do you have a weblog or an online journal that you update regularly? Do you blog about your life as a mom and/or you children? Join us!
deva's world Daily journal of days in my life as a parent, SAHM, pregnant lady, and as a girl/woman just trying to enjoy life. Favorite links, pregnancy, birth, and baby links are included.
Bohemian Mama Notes from a bipolar paradigm. Bohemian Mothecommunity...the new wave.
Momiswriting My writings
wooliemama how to knit a straitjacket
Liminal Musings the blog of a mother (and more)
O. Baby! Our journey through pregnancy (due 3/13/03), and eventually baby's first years.
Too Fabulous for Words The almost daily misadventures of a modern mom and writerly girl.
baggage carousel Sometimes honestly insecure, sometimes securely dishonest exploration of my life as a mother, partner, writer, friend, homemaker, and new stay-at-home mom.
off on a tangerine My kids, my life, and all the ADD things I do.
Big Skeptical Blogs Just a web log from a skeptical lady who happens to be mother of two.
Lakshmi Mama - living life as a goddess in disguise Rambling thoughts from a goddess living in disguise as a suburban mother.
Auburn's Pregnancy Journal About my second pregnancy. My husband encouraged me to blog about this so we have something to show our son in the future.
Apt. 11D She's raising two kids in New York City? In a four floor walk-up, you say? And trying to maintain a career part time? Is she insane?
Not All Who Wander Are Lost Blog by proud father and co-parent of Willow Myla, born 7/15/02; also prep school dorm parent, media and ed tech teacher, poet.
Sellers Family Homeschool A regularly updated blog and homeschooling and general family life with 2 little girls!