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Rat Terriers

The rat terrier, like all terriers, is an intelligent, lively dog with lots of energy. Rat terriers enjoy digging, running, and chasing small animal. The rat terrier makes a great pet, but is not for everyone. A good rule of thumb when looking for a pet is to choose an animal that has similar habits to you. If you’re a very active person, a rat terrier would be a good choice, because they need a lot of exercise and attention and can be a lot of fun to play with. Your rat terrier will enjoy playing outside and going for runs with you. Though an apartment is not the ideal environment for a rat terrier, you can make it work if you take your rat terrier out for lots of walks and make sure it gets lots of exercise. If you leave you rat terrier by itself for too long, don’t exercise it, or don’t give it any attention, they will probably take out their frustration or boredom on your furniture. Rat Terriers, like all puppies, like to chew on everything when they’re young because their teeth are growing in. It’s important to train your rat terrier when they’re young because it will be much more difficult to teach them not to chew on your furniture when they’re older.

Rat Terrier Appearance

Rat Terriers are very smart-looking dogs. They are usually white with brown and blak patches. Rat terriers, like many terriers have dark spots on their skin that is visible through their white coat. The rat terrier has naturally pointed ears that stand straight up. The rate terrier usually has a dark face and ears with distinctive markings that resemble those of a rottweiler. Rat terriers are small to mediun-size dogs with a fairly short body and strong lean legs. Rat Terriers also resemble fox terriers but have quite different temperaments. A rat terrier tends to be less agressive than the fox terrier and some rat terrier owners claim that rat terriers are easier to live with than fox terriers because they are more sensitive to their environment and like to take breaks once in a while to relax with their owner.

Rat Terrier Behaviour

Rat Terriers can be great companions but they need to be socialized from a young age. You should try to get your rat terrier out meeting new people and dogs, and seeing new places, in the first three months of their lives. If you’re thinking of getting a rat terrier puppy, many owners say it’s helpful to get a crate for your rate terrier. It’s a good idea when buying a crate for your rat terrier puppy to buy a very big one because you can use it when the rat terrier is an adult. Crates are not intended for your rat terrier to live in – they need to get out and are very active energetic animals. The purpose of having a crate is partly to train your rat terrier. Rat terriers actually like tp have a place of their own where they can sleep or get away from you if they need some time alone. It’s also a good thing to have for those times when your rat terrier misbehaves or you just need a breakl from your rat terrier. Having your rat terrier sleep in a crate may sound cruel, but keep in mind that the crate has to be fairly large and the rat terriers like having a place of their own. My rat terrier often goes into her crate during the day to take a nap. Rat terriers are certainly not lazy animals, but after I take my rat terrier for a long run around the farm, she’s usually very tired and has a quick nap in her crate. She’s usually read for another run within the hour.

Rat Terrier Nutrition

Because rat terriers are such high energy dogs, its important that they’re fed well. A rat terrier needs a healthy nutritious diet with lots of protein. I usually feed my rat terrier little bits of food throughout the day, but some rat terrier owners say it’s better to set regular meal times for you rate terrier and feed them two or three times a day. It’s important that your rat terrier is fed a highly nutritious diet because they burn energy so fast. If you don’t like the pet food from the grocery store or if the vet-recommended pet food is too expensive, a good alternative is to make your rat terrier’s food yourself. Though making dog food for your rat terrier sounds like it would be very time consuming, it’s really quite easy. You can start by looking for recipes for dog food. Most recipes ask for a good dose of meat with some vegetable and a little bit of starch. You can even use old leftovers to make your rat terrier’s food. The easiest way to make food for your rat terrier is to make a whole lot of it all at once. If you make a stew, which is my rat terrier’s favourite kind of dog food, you can make a whole pile of it on the weekend and package up little portions for during the week.

Rat Terrier Puppies

If you’re looking for rat terrier puppies, you should always check your local animal shelter or rat terrier rescue group first to make sure they don’t already have puppies that need a home. Generally, the rat terriers you find in shelters are full-grown because people buy them when their puppies and then abandon them when they grow up. Because the rat terrier is a fairly rare breed of dog, there probably won’t be a lot of them passing through your local animal shelter, but it’s always worth a try. Though adopting an adult rat terrier is a great idea, you must be careful when choosing one because abandoned dogs sometimes have problems or are more aggressive because they’ve been abused or neglected. Sadly, many people lose interest in their dogs when they’re no longer puppies and they neglect them and eventually send them to the animal shelter. Another way to find rat terrier puppies is to go to a rat terrier breeder. There was actually a rat terrier born in the seventies without any hair and breeders began breeding this dog with other until they managed to create a new breed altogether.
