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Diabetes and Oral Health

One of the most difficult medical conditions to overcome is diabetes. Technically known by its medical term diabetes mellitus, diabetes is a condition that afflicts over 20 million people in America – approximately 7 percent of the population. For people that are wondering what is diabetes, diabetes is a disease that affects a person’s bodily ability to produce or properly use the hormone insulin, which is responsible for converting such food substances as sugar and starches into energy that your body uses.
There are two types of diabetes – type 1 diabetes that is caused by a person’s body’s failure to produce insulin and the more common type 2 diabetes that describes individuals who’s bodies are unable to use the insulin that it naturally produces. A frustrating aspect of diabetes is that the symptoms of diabetes are subtle and often go undetected until it’s too late. Although some people may find that the symptoms of diabetes are too vague, it is important that you visit your doctor if you experience these diabetes symptoms – frequent urination, extreme hunger, irritability, excessive thirst, blurry vision, unusual weight loss and increased fatigue.
While many of these symptoms are often caused by something else, the american diabetes association highly recommends that individuals exhibiting these diabetes symptoms see their doctor as a preventative measure. If the diagnosis is a good one, then you will be able to laugh the whole excursion off.
However, in cases where the diagnosis confirms the presence of diabetes, it is in your best interest to enter into diabetes care as the diabetes information available clearly shows that individuals that undergo diabetes treatment in the early stages of the disease has the best chance to overcome diabetes. Regardless of the type of diabetes a person has or at what stage their diabetes condition is at, one of the most important diabetes information that an affected person should know is how to maintain their oral health while combating diabetes.
One of the most sought after pieces of diabetes is a diabetes diet that allows people that have diabetes to continue to eat well while controlling their condition. A negative side effect of diabetes is the problems that diabetes can cause for a person’s oral health. Maintaining your oral health is an important way for people to combat their diabetes and retain a sense of health. Some of the most common dental problems that are attributed to diabetes include: tooth decay, gum disease, fungus infections, taste impairment, and salivary gland dysfunction. Diabetes in particular is associated with the dental problem of tooth decay. When people eat a meal that contain sugars or starches, bacteria from the food produces acids that attack a person’s tooth enamel. For individuals that have diabetes that they haven’t controlled through a diabetes diet, then their saliva may contain a higher concentration of glucose that helps bacteria from sugar and starches thrive that will attack the person’s tooth enamel and eventually cause cavities.
One of the most important dental diabetes information out there is understanding how to combat the higher probability of tooth decay. For people that have diabetes, it is essential that you brush twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste and floss on a daily basis. In cases where people do not like to floss, they can alternatively use an interdental cleaner that will help remove plaque from their teeth. Fighting off plaque before it can harden and collect above the gumline is an important task for any individual but even harder for people that have diabetes. Equally important to fighting off tooth decay is the preventative measure of following a diabetes diet that feature food that are low in glucose levels. Many people that are diagnosed with diabetes are concerned with getting the right diabetes information about diabetes care. One of the most important pieces of diabetes treatment that the american diabetes association highly recommends is following a diabetes diet. Although there are many variations of a diabetes diet, the basic essence behind the diabetes diet is to eat food that contain large amounts of fiber and to restrict foods that contain high concentrations of either fat, sugar, or carbohydrates. The reasoning behind this nutritional principal in a diabetes diet is that having eating habits that emphasize fiber will assist your body’s ability to reduce glucose absorption. By cutting down on consuming fat, carbohydrates, or sugar, you will be able to avoid increasing your blood sugar level. Although it can be difficult for some individuals to change their long standing eating patterns, following a diabetes diet is good for your oral and overall health. A vital component of diabetes treatment is to eat properly and ensure that your body’s blood sugar levels do not get too high.
Another fundamental part of maintaining your oral health while combating diabetes is recognizing the connection that exists between diabetes and gum disease. Also known as periodontal disease, gum disease refers to diseases that directly infect your gums and the bones that ensure that your teeth are kept in the right place. Being afflicted with gum disease is one of the most serious dental problems that you can have and could even result in massive tooth loss. For individuals that have diabetes, there is an increased chance of being impacted by periodontal disease. This is primarily because diabetes drastically impacts your body’s ability to resist infection, particularly your gums. Studies have shown that individuals that had inadequate blood sugar control were more likely to develop gum disease and to have that periodontal disease act more rapidly when compared to individuals that had good control of their diabetes through good diabetes treatment and following the right diabetes diet.
When you are trying to maintain your oral health while dealing with diabetes, it is vital that you maintain your blood sugar levels through exercise and following a diabetes diet. Although diabetes is a serious condition that drastically increases the potential for oral health problems, it is still possible to maintain excellent oral health by following a diabetes diet. It is also equally important to make sure that you practice good oral health care. By doing this, you should find that diabetes won’t have a negative impact on your dental health at all!